Sunday, June 5, 2011

Brain wave

I had a brainwave this week -- find Gauss descendants on Facebook.  Of course, I don't think everyone does Facebook, or even computers, but some people do.  It has been a resounding success.  Not only have I found some people, but they have been really interested!  I started a group on Facebook, Gauss' Children.  I have been posting there, but it occurred to me that I would like to write somewhat longer pieces on individual descendants, in a more permanent form, so I decided to revive this blog, which has been languishing.  Hopefully, I will be able to post an article and still keep up with everything else!

Dodger in a quiet moment.
On another note, we acquired a Boston terrier puppy about a month ago.  The vet says his nose is too long for a BT, so he might have a bit of something else.  To my mind, it's all to the good -- he can breathe.  He is absolutely manic.  Sometimes I wonder if this has been a good idea -- I may be more of a cat person than even I thought -- but he sure is cute.  We named him Dodger, as one of our cats is Oliver.